Behind the Warp
Behind the Warp
Saint-Gobain ADFORS CZ is one of the largest producers and processors of fibreglass in Europe. The best known products of this company include mesh fabrics, popular with builders. In the production of this ADFORS Vertex® woven scrim a key part of the process is the creation of the warp (as pictured). It can contain hundreds to thousands of parallel threads depending on the overall width of the mesh roll. During weaving, this warp is then combined with the weft, which is a thread that passes horizontally across the warp. The length of the threads used in 1m2 of mesh depends on the total weight per square metre of the fabric – i.e. its density. In the best-selling Vertex® R131 mesh this length is about 705 metres.
As a point of interest, each of the threads consists of about 400 individual glass filaments. In 1m2 there are an incredible 364km of these filaments, which is approximately the distance from Pilsen to Ostrava! The company's production programme contains a broad portfolio of products for the construction and industrial applications.
Photo: Josef Horázný

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